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Whenever the festival approaches, the retail industry will carefully decorate the storefront to welcome the festive season. The exquisite decoration can increase passenger flow and stimulate consumption. Unique Concepts Company Ltd. has always provided customers with professional venue layout services. With experiences and proficiency in production and installation, our design team has extensive experience in the design, committed to designing distinctive theme decorations for customers with a good impression.

Mall Decoration
Shop Display

Unique Concepts is a one stop design and production company that creates and makes window displays, in-store display, P.O.P.and other visual merchandising solutions.We have a highly creative design team that completely understands the complexities of 3D Design within the retail environment. We offer retailers and brands a fully integrated service including, Design, 3D Rendering, Project Management, Prototyping, 3D production. (sculpting, wood, metal, acrylic, etc), printing production, site surveys, distribution and installation

Window Display 


神畫創作,  一個一站式的設計及製作公司. 我們致力於製作各式各樣的櫥窗展示, 從設計概念, 3D模擬圖. 以致項目管理, 店舖內陳列, 印刷製作, POP製作及各類型3D製作 (包括雕刻製品、木製道具、金屬製品、啞克力製品等), 我們擁有專業的設計團隊及客戶服務, 會全力了解客戶不同需求, 利用零售有限空間, 將廣告展示發揮到最極致效果.


Unique Concepts Company Limited provides billboard vinyl banner design and printing service. Banners, 3D letters, illuminated signboards on external walls are an important concern, Any person who intends to carry out alterations and additions works adding canopies, shelters, structural frames for advertisement signboards, air-conditioning plants, etc. is advised to consult Building Professionals for advice and make a formal application for approval and consent from the Building Authority.

神畫創作對戶外廣告製作及安裝有豐富經驗,可輕易應付所有大型戶外廣告. 包括: 廣告橫額Banner﹑ 燈箱 ﹑招牌 ﹑立體字, 我們有豐富的經驗處理一切廣告工程事宜, 可快速處理。專業資格及良好信譽, 對有一定難度的外牆工程有優良往積。 我們專業的團隊會在大廈外牆視察、翻查結構圖、 並按環境選用最合適物料提高安全度, 包辦製作, 安裝至保養, 提供一站式的廣告製作服務,

